Nordic Mensa Fund Call 2020

Nordic Mensa Fund opened its first call on November 20th 2020. The Fund will give a maximum number of five awards for “articles of the year”. Nominations can be made for intelligence related articles that have been published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal after 1st January 2019. The nominated author of the article must be affiliated with one of the countries involved in the Nordic Mensa Fund: Sweden, Finland, Norway or Denmark.

The board chair Janne Sylvest: “We are happy to open the first call and hoping for many great nominations. The Fund is a long-term effort and calls that will also include larger research grants will be announced in the coming years.”

Anyone can nominate an article and the nominator can also be the author of the article. Individual awards are 1000€ and will be given to the nominated author as a personal grant. Nomination time ends January 12th 2021.

More information and the nomination form