The Nordic Mensa Fund proudly presents our first round of awards!

The Nordic Mensa Fund proudly presents our first round of awards.

In November 2020, the Fund published our first call for nominations, setting up grants for article of the year. To be more specific, scientific articles published in 2019 or 2020 within the research areas supported by the Fund: intelligence and the human brain.

After receiving a set of interesting nominations, and with the important advice of the Fund’s Scientific Advisory Committee, the board of trustees has decided to award grants of 1000 euro each to the following researchers, who have accepted the awards:

Petri Kajonius, Högskolan Väst, Sweden, for Individuals with dark traits have the ability but not the disposition to empathize,

Martin Kolk, Stockholm University, Sweden:, for Cognitive ability and fertility among Swedish men born 1951–1967: evidence from military conscription registers,

Sonja Laine, University of Helsinki, Finland for Finnish elementary school teachers’ attitude toward gifted education,

Kristine Stadskleiv, University of Oslo, Norway for Neuropsychological functioning in survivors of childhood medulloblastoma/CNS-PNET: The role of secondary medical complications,

Congratulations! In the coming weeks, we will also publish a separate piece on each of the rewarded articles at the Fund’s web pages. We are very happy with the outcome of this first round of awards. The nominations show the variety of intelligence related research done in Nordic countries, and the awarded articles are all of a high general interest.

The Fund intends to give further grants and awards, some of which will be open for nominations within 2021.